Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Evolution of healthcare Brands “comprehension, continuity, consistency are the new keys”

The Dinosaurs - ruled the planet for a good 135 long years. Dinosaurs suddenly became extinct. Many theories have been proposed by scientists trying to define this mass extinction. One of the primary explanations of their sudden disappearance is their incapability to adapt the drastic climatic (market) changes occurring in that period.

Some birds that we see today are descendants of dinosaurs. They adapted themselves according to the changes in their surroundings- they survived successfully. ‘Evolve’ is the word.

Any species or entity that is able to evolve itself appropriately will have better chances of survival in the future.

Are you reading Dinosaurs as HEALTHCARE BRANDS?

Healthcare in India has begun evolving as a major segment. Years ago, healthcare services were known by the name of the doctors’ names and their identities. People referred to hospitals and clinics as ‘Dr. Raman’s Clinic’. A doctor’s name was more important than the hospital brand name.

Unfortunately, this trend has changed. Slowly and gradually, evolution has given birth to sudden wave of corporate brands. Apollo, Sterling, Vasan, Fortis, HCG, narayana and many more strong corporate healthcare brands have emerged; like the DINASOUR BIRDS. The makers of these brands perfectly understood the need and worth of correct branding and marketing communications. Many hospitals and equally qualified and famous doctors who did not adapt to the changing market and its needs were left behind.

- What is normally seen for of any healthcare brand, the communication is not in synergy all the way.

- It is not a consistent communication that is done always.

- Also, continuity is needed to maintain while advertising if the objective is to create a lasting impression and positioning of the brand.

- There has to be a strategy designed regarding which media the communication will pass through.

- A list of channels and media need to be identified for better and effective reach to the target audience. It cannot go random.

- Importantly, what is communicated in one media must be in sync with what is being communicated somewhere else.

- Only one message should be dispersed under the particular brand name.

                              ARE YOU EVOLVING?

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