Saturday, 29 March 2014

Alpenlibe – if Akhbar and Birbal were on FB

Just saw this advertisement of Alpenlibe featuring the most influential characters from our history- AKBAR and BIRBAL. Yes, History intrigues me to an extent of inspiration- Always. That made me wonder what it would be like if Facebook would be present during their era. Naturally, even Akbar would have had an account on Facebook. The question here is- would Akbar be the same ‘King Akbar’ as we all know him? Or he would have had some different personality on FB? Would he have posted his pics of his palaces, and his selfie with a crown on his head and a sword in his hand? Or he would be a common man posting in general like we all do?

In accordance with the above thought, I suddenly realised how different are we all from our real selves to our online selves. Yes, that’s a shocking thing indeed- the way we behave in our real lives may or may not be the same way we behave in our virtual (Social/Online) lives. That makes all of us have two personas. Not indicating that either of your persona is a fake, it simply means we behave and act according to the requirements or atmospheres.

BRANDS communicate through different mediums. But the BRAND PROMISE is the same.

BRANDS too, thus exhibit different personalities on different platforms.

It takes an expert to identify the actual SOCIAL personality of a brand that will offer the same BRAND PROMISE. If your brand has no personality (which gives it a particular identity), then it’s most crucial to have one; only having a Facebook/Twitter/Linkedin/Pintrest page will not help. You need to define a personality. An online presence must be established so that the brand’s existence is not questioned.

This is a gradual process. Personifying a brand is not an overnight process; it cannot and should not be thought so. The audiences must be given sufficient time and space to let it sink into their minds about the SOCIAL PERSONA of the brand. Customers should be able to relate the brand with something, someone, some entity that reminds your brand, and in turn connect to BRAND PROMISE

It is more like moulding and shaping of the pot that a potter does.

SOCIAL personality created for the brand must be engaging and interactive. Both the personalities of the brands (online and offline) must strive towards a mutual objective.

Confusing consumers is not a good idea.

What is the SOCIAL PERSONA of your BRAND?

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